Yellow Door is here to help

We offer a range of services and support to meet your needs and in response to your experiences. Here we explain the sort of help we provide in different circumstances.

See our services page for a list of the specific services we offer.

“It was helpful to talk about my problems and feel valued, I felt very comfortable and feel like this experience has shown me hope and changed me to the person I wanted to be for a long time. The advice was amazing”
Yellow Door service user

How we can help

Does where you live matter?

All our services are open to residents in Southampton, some services are also available to residents in other parts of Hampshire including Eastleigh and New Forest.  Our ISVA service is provided across Hampshire, Southampton and Portsmouth, some of this with partnership working.  Click here to see  a table of what services are available in your area.

Do you need help and support for your family?

We understand that the impact of domestic or sexual abuse can impact the whole family. We offer support through:

  • Family therapy
  • Parenting programmes / group activities for safe (non-abusive) parents and their children.

If your family is affected by domestic or sexual abuse, for example your child has experienced sexual abuse, or your children witnessed domestic abuse we can help the whole family to work together to aid recovery and ensure effective mutual support through our Family Therapy or our parenting programmes.

If you are worried about the impact of domestic or sexual abuse on your child / children, including children who have been living with parental domestic abuse, we offer direct support for children and young people through our CYP therapy and our age-appropriate Domestic Abuse Team groups.

Do you need help because of ‘Harmful Practices’?

If you have fears or concerns about harms such as Forced Marriage, Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting, or Harmful Practices – we are here to help you.

We have specialist workers in our Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy team including our Harmful Practices worker who will work with you to prevent harm and support you.

Our team offer support in a range of different languages and have specialist skills and experience in working with diverse communities.

To find out more about Harmful Practices see About Domestic and Sexual Abuse.

“I’m really happy about the services I received. You have been very supportive and are doing an amazing job that benefits me and my children. I would definitely recommend your services to any one in need”
DIA service-user

Do you have additional or complex needs?

If you are affected by domestic or sexual abuse and have other additional needs such as;

  • English is not your first language
  • Learning or physical disabilities
  • Additional communication needs
  • Uncertain immigration status
  • Mental health concerns, or
  • You are a vulnerable adult

Our specialist Diversity and Inclusion team have experience of working with adults, children and young people with additional or complex needs and they can provide personalised support for you.

We also have in-house expertise in working with people who have learning difficulties. Wherever possible we try to improve your experience of our services by adapting our provision to meet your needs. 

We use a range of therapies, such as Art Therapy to aid young people and adults who have communication needs. We may also adjust our delivery methods such as adapting our programmes to work in smaller groups or 1 to 1. Importantly, we do not provide support such as counselling for a set number of weeks.

We seek to work flexibly to meet each individuals needs. Our premises are also accessible to wheelchair users and a safe environment for all our service-users.